Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Conner's Amazing Acres

Our first field trip is to Conner's Amazing Acres on October 5th. This is one of my favorite field trips!! Students get to visit the farm, pet animals, go on a hay ride, go through a corn maize, and ride a cow train. It is so much fun!! Permission slips have already been sent home and is due back September 28th along with $8.50 and the medical form. Chaperones MUST pay by this date as well.

If you would like to chaperone, you MUST fill out the volunteer form online through Duval County Schools. The link is https://dcps.infomart-usa.net/app/index.php?aid=28.  If this form is not filled out  before the field trip, you will not be allowed to attend the field trip with us. Please keep in mind that if you chaperone, you are not allowed to bring siblings along with you. This is a Duval County rule.

A few rules we have in our class:
1. We stay together as a class. Chaperones may be given a few names as their group to keep an extra eye on but will never leave our class.
 2. Chaperones are never allowed to buy things for students (even your own child) while on a field trip. This is not fair to the rest of the students.
3. Chaperones may not bring siblings!

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