We have a lot of field trips coming up and I want to make sure you have all the information you need.
May 3rd we will go to The Florida Theatre to see Click, Clack, Moo: Cows that Type. The
cost for that trip is $9.50. Payment and permission slips are due April
29th. Please let me know if you'd like to chaperone.
May 14th we will be going to The Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens. All
students in my class have paid so there will be no additional cost for
children. If you'd like to chaperone (and have not already paid) the
cost will be $10.95 if you pay by April 26th. The cost at the door is
Please remember that all chaperones MUST be approved volunteers in the Duval County School system. To do this, please click here.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Monday, April 15, 2013
Fourth Nine Weeks Expectations
Merrill Road Elementary School
Fourth Quarter Expectations for Kindergarten
Based upon the Common Core State Standards
- Names capital letters
- Names lowercase letters
- Makes sounds for capital letters
- Makes sounds for lowercase letters
- Identifies initial sounds in words
- Identifies medial (middle) sounds in words
- Identifies ending sounds in words
- Add and substitute individual sounds in words to make new words
- Associates the long and short sounds with common spellings for vowels
- Blend and segment one syllable words
- Reads sight words without hesitation: I, see, a, the, can, we, you, my, like, to, and, it, is, play, on, in, me, yes, no, go, at, am, an, she, he, for, have, here, said, are, come
- Reads short vowel CVC words
- Produces rhyming words
- Actively engages in group reading activities with purpose and understanding
- Uses reading strategies effectively
- Participates in shared writing projects
- Writes capital and lowercase letters with correct size and form
- Uses phonetic spelling
- Writing shows evidence of spacing
Functional Writing
- Generates own functional topic
- Writes sequential steps for a “How to” piece
- Includes a detailed picture that supports the topic
Response to Literature Writing
- Generates a response to a student-selected book
- Writes a response which is focused on the book
- Retells story OR gives an opinion on the book with backup reasoning
- Includes a detailed picture that supports the response
Speaking and Listening
- Confirms understanding of a text read aloud by answering questions about key details
- Describes familiar people, places, things, and events
- Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in familiar stories
- Counts orally up to 100
- Names numerals 0-20
- Counts by tens up to 100
- Counts forward from a given number
- Matches numerals with groups of objects, 0-20
- Given a number, 0-20, count out that many objects
- Composes and decomposes numbers, 11-19, into ten ones and some more ones
- Writes numerals 0-20 with correct size and form
- Represent addition and subtraction, using multiple strategies, with equations up to 10
- Solve addition and subtraction word problems by using objects or drawings to represent the problem
- Decompose numbers up to 10 into two groups, in multiple ways
- Find the missing addend in equations with sums up to 10
- Fluently add and subtract within 5
Social Growth & Development
- Follows class rules
- Respects the rights of others
- Uses acceptable work habits
- Takes care of personal and school property
- Works well in cooperative group activities
- Listens to and follows directions
Functional Writing "How To"
In writing we are revisiting the functional writing genre. Functional writing focuses on giving your reader steps on how to do something. Today we wrote about how to go down the slide. We came up with the steps together as a class then practiced our steps to make sure they made sense. Here are a few pictures of us having fun during writing :)
First go up the steps.
Next sit down on the slide.
Then slide down the slide.
Last get off the slide.
First go up the steps.
Next sit down on the slide.
Then slide down the slide.
Last get off the slide.
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