Merrill Road Elementary School
Fourth Quarter Expectations for Kindergarten
Based upon the Common Core State Standards
- Names capital letters
- Names lowercase letters
- Makes sounds for capital letters
- Makes sounds for lowercase letters
- Identifies initial sounds in words
- Identifies medial (middle) sounds in words
- Identifies ending sounds in words
- Add and substitute individual sounds in words to make new words
- Associates the long and short sounds with common spellings for vowels
- Blend and segment one syllable words
- Reads sight words without hesitation: I, see, a, the, can, we, you, my, like, to, and, it, is, play, on, in, me, yes, no, go, at, am, an, she, he, for, have, here, said, are, come
- Reads short vowel CVC words
- Produces rhyming words
- Actively engages in group reading activities with purpose and understanding
- Uses reading strategies effectively
- Participates in shared writing projects
- Writes capital and lowercase letters with correct size and form
- Uses phonetic spelling
- Writing shows evidence of spacing
Functional Writing
- Generates own functional topic
- Writes sequential steps for a “How to” piece
- Includes a detailed picture that supports the topic
Response to Literature Writing
- Generates a response to a student-selected book
- Writes a response which is focused on the book
- Retells story OR gives an opinion on the book with backup reasoning
- Includes a detailed picture that supports the response
Speaking and Listening
- Confirms understanding of a text read aloud by answering questions about key details
- Describes familiar people, places, things, and events
- Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in familiar stories
- Counts orally up to 100
- Names numerals 0-20
- Counts by tens up to 100
- Counts forward from a given number
- Matches numerals with groups of objects, 0-20
- Given a number, 0-20, count out that many objects
- Composes and decomposes numbers, 11-19, into ten ones and some more ones
- Writes numerals 0-20 with correct size and form
- Represent addition and subtraction, using multiple strategies, with equations up to 10
- Solve addition and subtraction word problems by using objects or drawings to represent the problem
- Decompose numbers up to 10 into two groups, in multiple ways
- Find the missing addend in equations with sums up to 10
- Fluently add and subtract within 5
Social Growth & Development
- Follows class rules
- Respects the rights of others
- Uses acceptable work habits
- Takes care of personal and school property
- Works well in cooperative group activities
- Listens to and follows directions
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