Tuesday, August 28, 2012

1st 9 Weeks Skills

Names capital and lower case letters
·         Produces correct sounds for each letter of the alphabet
·         Writes first name in correct form
·         Reads sight words without hesitation (I, see, a, the, can, my, like)
·         Looks at a book quietly/reads independently for 5 minutes
·         Recognizes words that rhyme
·         Produces words that rhyme
·         Identifies front cover, back cover, and title page of a book

·         Generates his/her own topics
·         Includes drawings that support the meaning of their stories
·         Writes daily (pictures or words are done neatly and legibly)
·         Represents sounds in words
·         Working toward meeting the elements of the Narrative Writing Standard
      Working toward meeting the elements of the Persuasive Writing Standard

Language/Speaking Listening 
Participates in conversation with peers and adults
Asks and answers questions about kindergarten topics and texts 
Speaks audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly

·         Names numbers 0-10
·         Places numbers in order 0-10
·         Matches numerals with groups of objects 0-10
·         Counts orally 1-30
·         Accurately answers the question "How many?" when counting objects or pictures (up to 10)
·         Represents quantities using objects or pictures up to 10
·         Identifies greater, less, or equal groups of objects up to 10

Social Growth and Development:
Follows class rules 
Follows student code of conduct 
Respects the rights of others 
Uses acceptable work habits 
Takes care of personal and school property 
Works well in cooperative group activities 
Listens to and follows directions

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