This morning we read a story called David Goes to School by David Shannon. This book helped us learn the rules at school We talked a lot about how to NOT act like David. While I was reading the story to the class a note fell out of the book. Oh my gosh! It was a note from Mrs. Gray our principal letting us know that David was on the loose at school and she asked us to find him. We went searching all over campus for David. We went to the media center, the playground, the office and then finally found him in the cafeteria. On our way we talked about all the rules at school. We had so much fun looking for David. Ask your little one a rule that they learned today and leave a comment. Enjoy the pictures!!
Utoh where did David go? To the CAFETERIA!!!!
Cafeteria Rules...this is where we found David! He was hiding by the TV
Playground rules
What a great day! It was so nice to see the pictures of everything I heard about from my child on the first day of school! One rule we remembered from what David was doing was that when we are at school we don't disappear from our class or teacher.
ReplyDeleteWe are all so excited for Kindergarten this year! L.L.
We did have a lot of fun the first day of school finding David! I'm sure it was the talk of the night :)